Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Woke up too early this morning to my liking.  Went to lab.  Decided to skip circuit theory class cause we never learn anything in there.  Went to walmart instead.  FOUND BOTTLES AND BOTTLES OF MEXICAN COKE, FANTA, AND SPRITE.  HOLLYY BALLLSSSS.  Made my day so much.  Then found a six pack of root beer and a six pack of crush strawberry soda.  Conflictied if I should even get it.  Decided to get it.  Conflicted between which one I should get.  Solution?  Grabbed two strawberry sodas and replaced it with two root beers.  DONE.  Went back to campus and asked my friends if we learned anything useful in circuit theory.  We learned some important crap.  FUUUUUU.  Went to another friends DiffEQ TA session since they said theirs was better.  Paid attention and learned a crapload...even if I was learning 5 sections ahead.  =X

So I guess that was my day there.  WHOHOOO. I'm enjoying the rest of my day, no more workinggg. I've worked too much.

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