Monday, October 3, 2011

Oh hi, blogging website.

I finished all my homework.  I feel so on top of things.  This is amazing.  And I'll finish more ahead of time tomorrow. :D

I was the first one done with my DiffEQ exam today.  It was TOO EASY.  But I don't wanna jinx myself cause the last one was a little tricky.  I hope I got it right. >.<"

I hate our neighbors.  And the mystery guest that kept knocking on our door this morning at 9:30am.  I couldn't fall back asleep after that until the last ten minutes, then I had to get up and get ready for my exam.  Ughhh. And seriously.  Our dorm room doors are heavy so they slam.  How hard is it for you people to just turn the knob and close it slowly?  Or at least shut it without letting it go.  BUT NO.  You gotta just walk your way into your room and just slam the freaking door.  So inconsiderate.  I hate inconsiderate people.  I'd slam the door right back at you at 5 in the morning.  But no, I don't do that, cause I'm respectful to my own roommate. Ugh. =.="

It's time to sleep early.  I have a 9am lab tomorrow.  It sucks but hopefully I can get it done early and come back and get some more rest.  Farewell blogging website.

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