Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trying to find a new tumblr theme, even though I'm pretty sure no one actually visits the actual tumblr page...ppl just read the dashboard haha.

I never talked about the wedding I went to.  Or engineering expo.  Oh well.

I failed my physics test haha >.>" Need to study hard.  Got through today's physics lab pretty smoothly because it was about circuits.  TOO EASY.  I think some other ppl struggled with it.  Heh.  Noobs.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Whohoo i just survived my monday and tuesday! This weekend I have to go to Cali for my cousin's wedding.  Never been to a wedding so I don't know what to expect...I hope everything will be cool...and not boring.. What sucks is that I only get to be in Cali for 2 days =/ Sucks so hard ahhhhhh..... And then when I come back I have to go to this EXPO thing for engineers to try and get internships and jobs...still not feeling it yet >.<" I hope this next week goes well.

I want a new laptop. Meh.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday and Tuesday's are the worst. I'm not looking forward to them =(
Ahhh!! It's past 4am and I was gonna just read manga and go to sleep >.<"  Darn editing this blog and having no one read it in the future.
Oh hai.  This is my first post here.  And no one should know about this blog.  Actually it's probably not that hard to find.  But this is for me to rant.  And type.  And say whatever.  Tehehe.